Global Thoughts — 1 November 2021
You know you’re tired when you give out an address you lived at 20 years ago when ordering something. We went to this haunted house for Halloween and, for the first time in NYC, I went to something where nobody
You know you’re tired when you give out an address you lived at 20 years ago when ordering something. We went to this haunted house for Halloween and, for the first time in NYC, I went to something where nobody
I’ve had the daily challenge of writing hilarious letters to my kids at camp and I’ve done my best to come up with some real doozies. For instance, have you heard about the invasion of zombie-led Mexicans putting Trump back
Headline news: The CDC has confirmed what it admits it has mostly known for a year – that you are not going to catch Covid by touching things and that all these misguided souls who have been fumigating their groceries
Today America celebrates the idea that if you don’t like the person in charge of it, every 4 years you get a chance to change the channel. If you live in Saudi Arabia, you figure that you will have MBS
Both my kids crossed a Rubicon of maturity and awareness this week. One went to bed early on a Saturday night and got up early Sunday morning to write her essay for school trying to clear her desk before going
Jeremy won the award at day camp for the person most likely to win the lottery — and lose his ticket. Over the past 5 months here in Miami, I at least learned how to do decent BBQ. The
My daughter asked me last night while I was tucking her in to put her iPad on Night setting because she did not want to be disturbed during the night. I said why not just turn it off. She answered
There is this guy in Australia who has some kind of broadcast where he is playing Fortnight and babbling commentary while the game is being played. My son loves watching it and even after half a year of being addicted
I love this saying I heard: Education is what you’re left with after you’ve forgotten everything you’ve learned in school. Our 12-year-old son Jeremy has kicked off his teenage rebellion by declaring that he is a Nazerite, and is taking
Last month I got to see my daughter appear in a federal court room in a mock trial as a lead lawyer arguing in front of the US supreme court. I was very proud of her performance and could see
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